Collection NIEBo2 is a calling for freedom, deep breath with fresh air. It's all about the feeling of normality, that we all are craving these days. Winter sky in Poland is not very colorful, but there are days of pure beauty, and those quick moments I tried to capture in my paintings. Clear, blue sky is also a symbol of fresh air for which we all should have a basic right. But in Poland it is still something we have to fight for. Poland is one of the most polluted countries in Europe. There is a symbolic reference for oxygen (o2) in polish title for series NIEBo2 which means SKY or HEAVEN in English.
NIEBo2 is my call for action on climate change through energy transition in Poland and other EU countries. Through my art I try to raise awareness about climate crisis and raise funds to support organizations fighting for our right for clean and safe future.

NIEBo2 is a result of the last months of isolation, spent in my 8th floor apartment in Warsaw. The view from here is made mostly from the grey buildings around but also a lot of sky. It was the closest natural beauty and it became my source of inspiration for my first collection.
10% from sales goes to Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny - Youth Strike for Climate in Poland, a social movement calling for urgent action to prevent climate change. MSK in Poland is a part of Fridays for Future.
Above the clouds
80 x 80
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 130
Acrylic, oil pastel and linen on canvas
Looking down
100 x 70
Acrylic on canvas
Clouds speak
50 x 50
Acrylic, paper and oil pastel on canvas
Down to Earth
70 x 100
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
Colors of the wind
100 x 130
Acrylic on canvas

Niebo2 is a calling for freedom, fresh air and clear blue sky.
Rain on the window
2 x (100x70)
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
Copper clouds
100 x 70
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
Heaven is a place on Earth
80 x 80
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
Out of the storm
2 x (100x70)
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
With the wind
70 x 100
Acrylic, linen and oil pastel on canvas
4 x (50x50)
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas